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DISC Assessment

DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details.


As managers and leaders we need a new set of leadership competencies to help us build successful organizations.


DISC profiling, if used wisely and responsibly, will provide the manager with new and deeper insights into understanding people and how to hone their own skills to master communication. The following pages are a guide to help managers understand people and why they behave as they do. The DISC profile will provide a detailed behavioral assessment on each employee and when used with the simple insights in this guide, can become a powerful tool to help create extraordinary results.

Sales Training

The DISC Sales report teaches users to: (a) know their natural behavioral tendencies, (b) identify their customer’s observable behaviors, and (c) adapt their selling style to fIt the customer’s buying style.

Hiring & Selection

DISC is a cornerstone assessment utilized in each of our hiring & selection tools. Fact: the average employee costs his/her company 3x their annual salary once training, benefits and other ancillary expenses are calculated. The right person in the right job is priceless; the wrong person is a nightmare waiting to happen.

Performance Evaluations

Use DISC to identify strengths and struggles before they manifest in the workplace, then establish measurable benchmarks for improvement.

Communication Management

Use DISC to bring clarity and newfound understanding among otherwise contrasting behavioral styles. Optimize your “communication environment” for a more productive and profitable outcome.

Customer Service Training

Use DISC to train anyone how to exceed customer expectations for courteous treatment and professional service. Your staff will be equipped to deal with any behavioral style.

Leadership Development

The DISC Leadership report trains managers to: (a) know their natural behavioral tendencies, (b) identify their employees’ observable behaviors, and (c) adapt their leadership style to optimize the employees’ work style.

Team Building

Know who fits with whom in advance. Create teams based on compatible skills and traits, not merely by “rounding up the usual suspects.” When you need a top performing team, you must find out who will mesh and who will clash.


Our DISC online assessment is an invaluable behavior profiling system that teaches users how to identify— and use to their advantage— the predictable aspects of communication. Based on the research of Dr. William Moulton Marston, DISC is the most widely used behavior profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and validation. Whether you’re the member of a large or small organization, our DISC reports offer the greatest accuracy for a range of dynamic business applications…

A True Leader

· The ability to think in terms of systems and knowing how to lead systems.
· The ability to understand the variability of work in planning and problem solving.
· Understand how we learn, develop and improve, and leading true learning and improving.
· Understanding people and why they behave as they do.
· Understanding the interdependency and interaction between systems, variation, learning and human behavior, knowing each affects the other.
· Giving vision, meaning direction and focus on the organization.

DISC Profiling

DISC profiling, if used wisely and responsibly, will provide the manager with new and deeper insights into understanding people and how to hone their own skills to master communication.

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